Found, Wanting, Natasha Sholl (Ultimo 2022)
Lovelands, Debra Campbell-Tunks (Hardie Grant 2016)
Subzero, Adam Crettenden (Penguin Random House 2016)
Ubuntu, Heather Ellis (Black Inc. 2016)
Love in the Time of Contempt, Joanne Fedler (Hardie Grant 2015)
The Good Greek Girl, Maria Katsonis (Ventura Press 2015)
Funemployed, Justin Heazelwood (Affirm Press 2014)
Boomer and Me, Jo Case (Hardie Grant 2013)
Lamark’s Evolution, Ross Honeywill (Murdoch Books 2008)
Why Manners Matter, Lucinda Holdforth (Random House 2007)
Australian Classics, Jane Gleeson-White (Allen and Unwin 2007)
Delinquent Angel, Diana Georgeff (Random House 2007)
Survival of the Dumbest, Wil Anderson (Random House 2006)
Great Writers, Great Loves, Ann-Marie Priest (Black Inc. 2006)
The Wreck of the Batavia, Simon Leys (Black Inc. 2005)
Whelan the Wrecker, Robyn Annear (Black Inc. 2005)
Back on the Wooltrack, Michelle Grattan (Vintage 2004)
True Pleasures, Lucinda Holdforth (Vintage 2004)
The Heart Garden, Janine Burke (Knopf 2004)
Death Sentence, Don Watson (Knopf 2003)
Holy Cow, Sarah Macdonald (Bantam 2003)
Australian Gothic, Janine Burke (Knopf 2002)
Secrets and Spies, Mara Moustafine (Vintage 2002)
The Inspector General of Misconception, Frank Moorhouse (Vintage 2002)
Eating the Underworld, Doris Brett (Vintage 2001)